Maxwell J. Toms                                                                                                      

49 Julian Street, Carleton Place, Ontario, Canada, K7C 3W7   (613) 257-7290


Project Management

Since the early 1980s, Maxwell J. Toms has performed the functions of Project Manager (PM) for a number of development projects to a number of government and industrial clients, including major government systems development initiatives.  Responsibilities included for all project elements such as Definition, Technical Documentation, Logistics Definition, Configuration, Supply Documentation and Technical Studies. On many of projects Mr. Toms has had program element responsibility including planning, Work Breakdown Segment development, Cost and Schedule development and tracking, including progress reporting. Some example projects:

·        Canadian Coast Guard Standing Offer: Managed and executed a number of support and engineering tasks for CCG, including ECDIS, SNDB and ENCs. (Monenco 1992-1998)

·        Automatic Test Equipment Definition, NSA Project: Developed ATE designs, WBS planning, NRE/RE estimates, technical definition and supporting documentation, for the automatic test equipment element of the Canadian Forces New Shipborne Aircraft (NSA). Mr. Toms successfully performed a detailed technical and cost analysis of plans reducing an estimated 400+ $M project cost to an acceptable 165 $M, by analyzing the deployment requirement and developing family of test set components that allowed the test capability to be scaled to fit purpose. (EHI Canada 1991)

·        Deck Interface Unit (DIU).  Developed ATE designs, production test planning, NRE/RE estimates, work definition and supporting documentation, for the DIU, part of the joint Program Canadian and USN AN/SAR‑8 program, an advanced naval infrared surveillance system. (SPAR 1987)

·        SPSDS Upgrade Program: Planning, management and engineering support for the upgrade and sea trials of a naval stable platform, to be used for experimental radar being developed by researchers at DND DREO/CRC. Work included, cost and schedule management, interface with the customer and sea trials. (SPAR 1986-1987) 

·        Intelsat 6 TWTA Program: In addition to ATE for the space‑flight qualification of TWTAs, the work included project plans, cost and schedule management, documentation, and project implementation. Developed a work assignment reporting mechanism to provide performance feedback to staff, resulting in improved work performance. (SPAR 1983‑1984)



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