Maxwell J. Toms                                                                                                   

49 Julian Street, Carleton Place, Ontario, Canada, K7C 3W7   (613) 257-7290



These are some of the photographs taken on operations.

(Click on thumbnail to enlarge)


Evaluation of Navigation Equipment: (1998-Present)


South Dundas Fibre-Optics Activities: (2000-2001)

Maxwell J. Toms
Michael A. Kelly, CGA.

South Dundas System Wireless Activities: (2000-2003)


Other Wireless Activities: (2000-2005)


Low Angle Tracking Radar, Stable Platform Project: (1983-1984)

  (More to come. -MJT)

Telemetry Activities, Churchill Rocket Range, Gimli & Others: (1978-1980)

   (Still to come. -MJT)


VHF Radio Activities: (1973-1978)


Professional Sound: (1974-1977)


Model Boats: (2000-Present)


F16 Flight Simulator: (1992-2007)


Amateur Radio Operation Skyhook, Gimli, Manitoba, Canada: (1979)


Photos of Interest:






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